*This message was last updated on May 15th 2020. The original archive can be found here.

Dear GAEE Community,

We are truly living in challenging and unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone from our families, our friends, our businesses, to our medical workers and first responders who are bravely on the front lines. As the situation continues to develop and affect our world, we wanted to reach out and update you on how we’re supporting our staff, our community and you—our members and volunteers.

Above all else, our thoughts are with those affected by the virus and their families. We wish them a speedy recovery, we express our sincerest condolence to the deceased’s families, and we remain inspired by our healthcare workers and others who are caring for people around the world.

The health and safety of our members, as well as the public, is our top priority. We have implemented measures to limit exposure and spread — including but not limited to — the cancellation of all assemblies, meetings, workshops, and conferences hosted by GAEE and our affiliated network until further notice. The Board of Trustees, the Executive Team, and the Regional Teams are evaluating the schedule of our forthcoming summer summits on a case-by-case basis and, if necessary, take any action required to help protect our community and the wider public.

Currently, the Membership Development Team has sent out emails on a weekly basis to keep our chapters informed of the learning and development opportunities and resources that have been made available in light of the COVID-19 lockdown. Such opportunities have since included offers from the World Economics Association, the Econometric Society, TechSoup, United Nations Institute for Training and Research, and Google. At the same time, we are attempting to implement the currently beta-testing GAEE’s Home App in large-scale to replace in-person lessons and will keep you updated with the progress.

A moment like this is a reminder about how we all need to band together to overcome challenges and complexities. Our teams are here for you, and we will continue to keep you informed should any additional measures are taken after the release of this announcement. 

Sincerely and Stay safe,
GAEE Executive Team